Roses Through Mendes American Beauty

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Ben Mnushkin Paper #2 Professor Davis 2/27/18 Tracking the Motif of Roses Through Mendes’ American Beauty American Beauty is a masterpiece of a film that delves deep into a generic suburban home that slowly turns before your very eyes into a rebellion against normalcy orchestrated by none other than Lester Burnham. Not only did the film win a total of five Oscars including Best Picture and Best writing, but the complicated and interwoven repetition of symbols is what keeps film scholars squabbling over interpretations of the movie and its themes. From the very get-go, Mendes choose to present us with a rose being chopped from its stem, continuing the trend through the rest of the movie in forms that manifest themselves in a pleasant home garden, …show more content…

Tracking the dynamic nature of Lester as a character stands out when the first sentence he utters before walking into the gym is: “we can leave straight after this right?”, showing his uninterest in his own daughters’ half-time performance, unbeknownst to true infatuation that he will be exposed to just moments later. The first thing that is noticed during the dream sequence is the slow fade out of the routine-rehearsed music that the dance was choreographed to, replaced by a wide array of instruments that adds an encharming yet suggesting mood to the entire scene. A quick close up to Lester’s face immediately displays not only the fixation he has on Angela but the small droplets of sweat dripping from his face demonstrate the uneasiness and confusion he feels when first being enthralled by her supposed beauty. The director explicitly chose to remove the entire audience in the stands from the shot and leave Lester sitting alone in the bleachers, further emphasizing the “caught in the moment” potential of the scene, and additionally solidifying that: a) he is in a dream, and b) is so mesmerized by her appearance that he quite literally forgets about everything else that is going on around him. When she finally opens up her top to expose …show more content…

Unlike other dream sequences that the viewers follow Lester through, this is one of the only scenes where we aren’t fully aware he is dreaming until a few moments in, but through observations in the mise en scène a lot more is revealed about the what Lester is thinking in his mind. Like other dreams, a nondiegetic song begins to sneak in, ramping up in volume as he gets closer to the bathroom door, hinting at something mysterious and/or fascinating going on behind the door. For Lester, his new-found curiosity and ambition propel him to continue walking full-throttle, not holding himself back one bit. What’s interesting is that the camera doesn’t show his face as he walks towards the bathroom, but only reveals how truly mesmerized he is once he steps foot through the door; reflecting his internal desire to get to the room as quickly as possible. The odd placement of steam all over the room sets the mood for sexual tension as well as adding a partly spooky vibe because we can’t quite see as clearly as we would like due to the influx of steam in the room. A medium shot of Lester in his dream state is crucial to establishing his surroundings (including Angela in the bathtub) and differentiates the scene from the close-up shot dialogue between characters that dominates the rest of the film. The sound editing quickly cuts off the

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