Rosella White Speech Analysis

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From the presentation by Rosella(Fix) White, she is a faith-based social entrepreneur from Chicago who looks to create solutions to social issues using faith as a baseline. She believes once we truly know who we are, and who each other are we can better understand each other. This is relatable as once this occurs, there will be fewer areas of grey between the different sides. The tension created by opposing sides can be decreased due to everyone having a better sense of where each other words are coming from. We all have a different background, so by listening without quick judgement, a sense of peace can happen. White believes millennials are following the resistance spirit that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s, but thinks millennials are watering down Dr. King’s words. This is because millennials are making an excuse to not call out the suppressors. Dr. King did lead nonviolent marches to tell the suppressors back then that a march for equality is real. The black live matters protest is gaining attention nationwide about lives that are taken too soon. At the same time, it’s hard to have an effective leader to step up and unite them all like Dr. King did. I feel black lives do matter, but at the same time, all lives matter is a greater movement. Often we hear stories …show more content…

King’s letter defends the notion of using a nonviolent approach to tackling racism. Dr. King always believed in that notion even when times we tough and his followers wanted to retaliate. Dr. King wanted his people to have a responsibility to break unjust laws, as unjust laws are not laws at all and to take action. The black lives matter protest is nonviolent towards obtaining justice in the courtroom setting for the offenders.White’s words of millennials are watering down Dr. King’s words may be true. It would seem Dr. King would want to them take a more direct approach at obtaining justice elsewhere instead of just the courtrooms. He would still want them to use moral means to obtain a moral

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