Rose By Ben Lair Analysis

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Rose By Ben Lair Honorable Mentions: Sam Burton, Kurtis Stuckey One Awakening “I wonder what happened to him?” “I don’t know but it must have been pretty bad.” “Wait, I think he is waking up!” And so I open my eyes to discover a group of four scientists. I am hooked onto several machines. Really I am lucky to be alive. I don’t even know why I have to be lucky to be alive. I don’t know anything at all. I suppose this is the hospital I have been brought to after my “accident”. The room is almost completely white, as if all color has been sent outside the walls. The scientists clothing is just as colorless as the walls. The humans here seem to not want any color on their world at all. Luckily my clothes have not been touched, so I am not as bleak as these scientists are. “Ugh . . . What …show more content…

“When the first of the resistance was created we fled to the hills as exiles. Here we could lose the soldiers through the caves and escape. Soon our numbers grew and many were run out of their homes. For those who could not be seen in public we created the city of resistance to allow them a comfortable life, and possibly be draftable soldiers if required. Anyone who has not been caught before is able to become a spy and lay in wait for the day when you would come so that when you came we would be ready to lead an offensive force.” We encountered several people on the way. They all seemed happier than the people under the rose’s rule even though they had less than them. It must have been the color. As everything under the rose’s rule is colorless it’s much more colorful and fun. “As you can see,” continued Dyten, “most everyone is quite happy with the city and though it is not as nice or clean as other cities are these people are free. And that is very important to them.” “It just has a better feel to it than the other city I was at before. I don’t know what it is but it feels more . . . alive.” I

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