Ron Reimer's Suicide Case Study

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“On May 5, 2004, I received a phone call from Ron Reimer, David’s father,” said John Colapinto. “Ron was a surprise, and the tone of his voice suggested that he was not calling with happy news.” “David took his own life yesterday… He shot himself in his car.” Ron said. David's suicide was “a horrible shock but not a complete surprise” (John Colapinto) to many people who knew of his life. His parents, Ron and Janet Reimer were raised as Mennonites in Winnipeg. Janet was an energetic girl who was convinced by her mom to quit school after ninth grade and work at a sewing factory to help provide. At Janet’s fifteenth birthday she was forced to move out , so she went gladly. She moved to a nearby city where she met Ron Reimer whom she fell in love

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