Romeo And Juliet's Downfall

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In “Romeo and Juliet,” a play written by William Shakespeare, Romeo snuck his way into the Capulet’s party. Romeo suddenly fell into a bad romance when he saw the young, beautiful Juliet, and was overtaken by his image of love. The moment when Juliet saw Romeo, she was as well taken into an image of her love. When she retired to her bedchamber, she decided to ruin the relationship with Romeo by doing three “special” things: confessing her love too early, prevaricating to her parents, and faking her death to her beloved Romeo. Juliet’s decisions would cause two of the most untimely deaths of all time. Firstly, the moment Juliet thought she was alone in her bedchamber, on the balcony, she started expressing her feelings, she said “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be by sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” She was saying …show more content…

Juliet said “What if it be a poison which the friar subtly hath ministered to have me dead...Romeo, Romeo, Romeo, I drink to thee.” In the Shakespearean play, Juliet drinks the vial given to her by the friar, so it would “kill her” and she doesn’t have to marry Paris, instead, she can run away and live happily ever after with Romeo. By continuing this dangerous plan, Juliet puts herself at risk, taking the chance of really dying. With the chance of actually dying, Romeo would have thought she might of been truly dead and Romeo, knowing he would not be with anyone else than Juliet, wouldn’t have known the difference. With Juliet taking this vial from the friar, she didn’t even think that Romeo could hurt himself or even know that she took the vial so that she wouldn’t marry the county Paris. How would she know Romeo’s actions? Why would she do this just to be with Romeo alone? How could she of known anything Romeo would've done if she was not around to see him or even know what he

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