Romeo And Juliet Vs. Heathers

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In some cases, love can be confusing. I like to compare Romeo and Juliet to Heathers. In the movie Heathers, a girl meets a boy who has a strange knack for killing. She doesn´t leave him for a while and that is because she has a strange love for him. I believe that Romeo and Juliet have this love for each other, just minus the killing. Shakespeare displays this theme in his play ¨Romeo and Juliet¨. Romeo and Juliet are two young people who meet and instantly fall in love. This love they share brings about many joys and horrors. Throughout the play, Romeo and Juliet ride the roller coaster that is love. Late in Act 1, Juliet is at the party Lord Capulet is holding. She is dancing and having a good time. Romeo sees her and his hormones immediately go through the roof. Romeo goes to talk to her and he asks for a kiss. Juliet says to Romeo,
Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,/
Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims´ hands do touch,/
And palm to palm is holy palmers´ kiss.¨ (I. v. 59). Juliet is telling Romeo that she, being a saint, is above him and that he can only touch her hand as a kiss. Juliet is playing with Romeo, but she also seems a little hesitant. They go back and forth playing this Pilgrim and Saint game until he …show more content…

This is a prime example of love being a force that controls people. Juliet is so in love with Romeo, and vice versa, that they are willing to rush right into a marriage. Many people prefer to get to know their significant other before getting married. Romeo and Juliet prefer to throw caution to the wind and get married immediately. The reader knows that if this marriage does not happen immediately, then Paris may get Juliet's hand by force. Romeo and Juliet do not know this. If they had known this, then the theme of love being a powerful force would not be as big of a part of the passage as it

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