Romeo And Juliet Tragic Hero Essay

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In any tragedy, the tragic hero is the protagonist that the author uses to express his view on humans and their harmful tendencies. The struggles the hero faces are brought on by the flaws in his human nature which, in the end, bring on his tragic ending. Three main theories of the tragic hero are the Aristotelian model, the Shakespearean model, and the modern tragic hero. Each model has five defining characteristics, which are nobility, hamartia, anagnorisis, and suffering. In the Shakespearean mode of tragedy, the play Romeo and Juliet best models the tragic hero. For instance, nobility is characterized by being upper class and having elevated character. Romeo satisfies both of these criteria through his position as an heir of the Montagues …show more content…

As some people would say he could have been ‘living the high life’: “Robin’s father was a high-level GM executive and his mother a fashion model. He grew up surrounded by wealth and privilege, but not by attention” (11). Growing up he was often alone. He didn’t get the attention from a mother and father like normal everyday children did. He had the wealth, but it didn’t make him a happy kid. Due to being overweight not many people would hang out with him. He would use different voices while playing with his toys to keep himself entertained. The house maid became his first and often only audience (2). He would attempt to entertain just to get his parents to notice him. As a young child he was overweight and deprived of attention. He grew up lonely and you could say that this was part of the reason he grew up with depression. During his senior year in high school Williams was voted “funniest” and “least likely to succeed”. He went to Claremont Men’s College and then received a scholarship that allowed him to go to Juilliard. As an adult he donated to many different charities. He even helped to pay for a friends physical therapy after having a terrible horse riding incident (8). Trying to help other people was always a goal, even if it wasn’t always to some large organization. He may have lived life on a small pedestal, but his nobility would always out shine that

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