Romeo And Juliet Nurse Quotes

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Angelica (Nurse) Character Essay William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, is set in Verona,Italy in the 14th century. It is about two families in Verona that are in a feud. One of the main characters, Juliet Capulet, is taken care of by her nurse, Angelica. Juliet trusts Angelica with all the news about Romeo. She plays an important role in Juliet’s life. Angelica is a lot like a mother that talks a lot and helps Juliet with everything.
Angelica portrays a motherly character to Juliet throughout the play. She is known as a “wet nurse” , when Juliet was a baby Angelica breastfed her. Angelica spent every day with Juliet and knows that she is almost 14, Lady Capulet was not sure of her age. A mother never wants to see her daughter heartbroken, Angelica threatened Romeo to make sure he was being serious about marriage. She is very excited about the wedding because it is like her daughter is getting married. Most of the time, the mothers are the most excited to see their kids in love.When Lord …show more content…

She will help Juliet with anything, she took news to Romeo and helped the wedding be possible. When Romeo was banished, she brought the news to Juliet before he left. It would have been worse if she found out after he left. Angelica knew how upset Juliet was and she wanted to help. She went to search for Romeo and she planned for him to go visit Juliet one last time. She helps make it possible for them to consummate their marriage.
A talkative, motherly Angelica helps Juliet with all her conflicts throughout the play. She will help Juliet with anything and take care of her forever. Angelica plays the part of Lady Capulet and Juliet trusts her. She is always helpful in tough situations. Angelica will do anything for Juliet. She plays an important role in Juliet’s life and in the play. The play would have ended differently if Angelica was not in

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