Romeo And Juliet Loyalty Essay

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Romeo and Juliet are full of conflicting loyalties. The background loyalties are set up in the first scene, when Samson and Gregory decide to start a fight with some Montagues. Loyalty drags all of the surrounding Montagues and Capulets into the fray. The first loyalty that is established is loyalty to family.

But Romeo and Juliet complicate that by making obligations to each other. Now they have to be loyal, not only to their families, but to each other, and by extension to each others' families. Romeo shows this when he meets Tybalt: he refuses to fight him, because he is loyal to Juliet, and so to Tybalt. Mercutio demonstrates that there is another kind of loyalty in play here, which is loyalty to friends. As an act of loyalty to his friend, …show more content…

This created the confusion of Romeo believing that Juliet was in fact dead. When Juliet approached him for help about her unwanted prepared marriage to Paris, he was caught off guard by Juliet's threat to commit suicide and quickly responded "Hold daughter! I do spy a kind of hope, which craves as desperate an execution as that is desperate to prevent"(IV. i. 68-70), and gave her the potion. He should not have acted so quickly, especially after he told Romeo "Wisely and slow, they stumble that run fast"(II. iii. 94-95). Friar Lawrence should not have allowed pressure from other people to distort his own …show more content…

He sends this important letter to Romeo through Friar John and fails to tell him the content of the letter. The letter never reaches Romeo as Friar John is quarantined with other people that are suspected to have traces of the plague. Friar Lawrence was outraged and he is quoted, “Unhappy fortune! By my brotherhood, the letter was not nice but full of charge, of dear import, and the neglecting it may do much danger” (V. ii. 17-20). From his statement, Friar Lawrence had clearly failed to tell Friar John of the importance of the letter. Since he had failed to think of other ways to get the important message to Romeo, Friar Lawrence is to be blamed for not warning Romeo in time. His plan of relying the delivery of the letter to just one person had caused Romeo to believe that Juliet’s death was real. In the play, when Romeo’s friend sees the news about Juliet’s apparent death at the tomb, Friar Lawrence sees him and should have known that Romeo was going to be misinformed. Instead, he does not wait for Romeo to arrive and then to reinform him about his plan of reuniting them. Therefore, Friar Lawrence still had a second chance to correct the situation but does not do so, letting the two lovers’ confused ending in their tragic

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