Romeo And Juliet Impulsive Essay

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Romeo and Juliet, a play written by William Shakespeare, is a story about two teens who fall in love and are forbidden be together. There is an ancient feud between their two families. Because of this feud one of the main characters, Romeo, is proven to be immature by making rash decisions; Romeo is also very overdramatic and impulsive. From the very beginning of the story, the reader can tell that Romeo is immature. Romeo acts like a child. He ignores common sense and directions. For example, when Romeo killed Tybalt he was banished from the town; instead of leaving Romeo goes to Friar Laurence's cell and cries because he will never be able to see Juliet. Romeo should have been more mature about his punishment instead of crying over a girl that he barely knows. Romeo’s immaturity causes many problems in the play, including his own death. Other than being immature, Romeo is also overdramatic. In the first act of the play, the reader learns that Romeo is depressed. He walks around time at ungodly hours of the night crying. This is because he fell in love with a girl …show more content…

He does not think before he does something. For example, Romeo dives into a marriage with Juliet before getting to know her. Romeo should have stopped to think about all of the problems that the relationship would cause: They have no money, they have nowhere to live, and they can’t even tell their families about their relationship. Another time where Romeo is very impulsive is when he dies. He thought Juliet was dead and thought it was better to die than to live without Juliet. So drinks a poison that kills him. If Romeo would have decided not to drink the poison then he would live happily with Juliet. However, Romeo does drink the poison and dies. This trait does not help him or his relationships because he put himself and others in trouble. Romeo is impulsive from the very beginning of the play. This is bad because his impulsiveness leads to his

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