Romeo And Juliet Fate Vs Free Will Essay

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Many people claim that your life is governed by fate; that we as humans don’t have any say in what happens. In my opinion this is an excuse used by the unsuccessful. Although there are some things that you can’t stop, your life is a product of your decisions. There is no such thing as fate. The outcome of your life is produced by you. When people fail to stop something terrible from happening, they tend to find an excuse to ease the pain. Fate is one of those made up excuses. Things don’t happen because they were destined to happen, things happen because of someone’s actions. I understand that people want to have something to blame inconvenient events on, but the truth is that it was because of people. There may have been nothing you could have done in that moment to stop it, but someone at sometime could have stopped it. For example …show more content…

If you choose to do drugs and end up in jail, it wasn’t your fate to be in jail it was the outcome of your poor decisions. Every decision in life has a consequence, whether it’s good or bad, big or small it has a consequence. For example, it was not Tybalt’s fate to be killed by Romeo, it was the result of his decision to kill Romeo’s friend Mercutio. Tybalt could have changed the outcome by not fighting with Mercutio and killing him. This concept in Romeo and Juliet was not just back in 1595; it is still a struggle in the world today. Kids that come from poor families think “That’s just how it is, and I can’t do anything about it”. But this is wrong, by making the right decisions and taking action they can change the outcome of their life. Fate does not leave you poor for the rest of your life, you accept being poor for the rest of your life. Fate does not get you in jail, you get yourself in jail. Fate does not leave you homeless on the side of the road, you accept being homeless. Your actions define you and the outcome of your

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