William Wordsworth's Influence Of Romanticism: Emotion And Individualism

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Romanticism could arguably be the most definitive artistic movement of the late 1700’s. The influence of this period was felt across continents and through every artistic influence in the mid- nineteenth century, and as a result, many of its morals and beliefs can be seen in contemporary poetry. It is thought that the romantic era began towards the end of the 18th century, at which point the French Revolution was taking place, and became less popular towards the 1850’s. Romanticism was characterised by its emphasis on emotion and individualism, as well as having a huge focus on nature from the likes of William Wordsworth and Coleridge. Wordsworth and Coleridge together wrote the most important volume of this period, ‘Lyrical Ballads’, and with it signalled a revolution in literary terms. …show more content…

This volume may have begun its own revolution by including poems about interactions with nature and yourself, compared to those which were previously written about the epic. This can be seen within the poem ‘Simon Lee, the old Huntsman, with an incident in which he was concerned’ (1798) as it connects with nature, being natural and physical, and also connects with society talking about feelings and the self. This poem portrays emotion and individualism in many different ways, all of which are done in Wordsworth’s own naturistic and peaceful approach. Wordsworth does however have many influences from society, such as The French Revolution which have huge implications to Wordsworth writing styles, but also the effects which these social and political implications have on the poetry which was produced within the romantic

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