Roman Gladiator Research Paper

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In ancient Rome, gladiators fought in amphitheaters with huge crowds of spectators as a form of entertainment. Even though, Hollywood may portray Roman gladiatorial contests as a fight to the death, in reality the end of the battle usually didn't end up with someone killed. In order for the game to be more exciting to watch, gladiators had to be professionally trained. From a business standpoint, it is not logical nor economical for athletes to be killing each other. Most of the time, brawls ended with a decisive outcome, meaning one of the contestants got badly wounded or lost endurance. Successful gladiators became major stars of the Roman world, similar to wrestlers and boxers today. Most gladiators were prisoners of war, criminals and or slaves, despite the fact Hadrian made it …show more content…

From the third and second centuries BC, gladiator started being equipped with spears and lances, and they fought in a tunic or linen loincloth. Additionally, the brawlers also held large circular shields and bronze helmets to protect themselves. Within the first century AD, specific types of combat began to emerge. Now there were different adaptations of helmets, shields, and swords. There were also breastplates and leather straps worn around the gladiator’s right arm. Most importantly, now gladiators were equipped with various swords, and daggers. All these changes made the games more thrilling; thus, it was more difficult to predict who would win . Gladiators started being distinguished by their ethnic names, for example, galli, thraeces and samnites, which were tribes that once fought against Rome (Meijer 86-90) . All the different variations have their own origin of how they started. Each body type would also impact what the style in which they perform. Generally, once a gladiator knows their fighting style they do not switch and train to become the best they can.(Meijer

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