Roman Gladiator Research Paper

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In the time of the Roman Empire, the new show was gladiators. The Romans had a massive arena for the gladiators. Who was a gladiator, how were they were trained, what weapons did they use, where did the fight and how long did they survive for, women gladiators, how this show lasted so long and how they fought.
Gladiators was a professional fighter who specialised with particular weapons and fought before the public. Gladiator life was very hard, they did not live a long life being a gladiator. Usually gladiators were slaves because everyone knew they lived a short life. Gladiators had all sorts of weapons and armor. According to Ancient History said “The term gladiator derives from the Latin gladiatore in reference to their principal weapon the gladius or short sword”. There was a wide range of weapons used not just swords.

Gladiators was an armed combatant who entertained audiences in the Roman Empire, wild animals, and condemned criminals. Not usual but some gladiators were volunteers who risked their lives and social standing by being a gladiator. Most gladiators were slaves fighting for their freedom. In rome's military ethos, enemy soldiers who had surrendered or allowed their own capture and enslavement had been granted an gif …show more content…

Historians are not sure when women first started to fight as gladiators, but by the first century they had become a common fixture at the games. The women gladiators used the same weapons as the men gladiators. Not that many spectators came to watch the women gladiators fight because most people in the roman empire time believed in only men being gladiators and not women gladiators. But it was same as men gladiators almost all women gladiators were slaves used for fighting. These women gladiators may not have been taken seriously in the Roman Empire time. Women also fought animals and other wide ranges of

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