Roman Empire Chapter 6 Summary

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Chapter 6 begins the major theme of this fascinating and mysterious book. It has intrigued multitudes in every generation especially during troubled or dangerous times. It has inspired and comforted those who might otherwise have lost hope. It has spurred on countless believers to overcome daunting opposition and exalt the name of Jesus worldwide.

This brief overview of the book beckons us all into a glorious future in which the “kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord and Christ.”

With Chapter 6 we are led from the first century perspective into the future. This future holds a short period of glory for the Empire followed by a seven-fold judgment in which the Empire ceases to exist and Christianity spreads in victory to …show more content…

This is described in Chapter 9 and occurred when the Moslem Arab armies conquered most of the Asiatic and African areas of the Empire and converted them to Islam.

The Third Judgment against Rome occurred as the Moslem Turks conquered the Eastern Roman Empire with the fall of Constantinople on May 29, 1453 (Chapter 9).

Rome revived in the West under the Popes who rebuilt an ecclesiastic Roman Empire called the Roman Catholic Church. They ruled from Rome over territories called the Papal States. It looked much like a Roman Empire in miniature. It also began a greater Roman Empire in the West called the Holy Roman Empire with the crowning of Charlemagne as Emperor of the Romans on Christmas Day in 800 A.D.

The Holy Roman Empire was judged and brought to its end by Napoleon over a thousand years later after he crowned himself Emperor in 1804 (Chapter 16:8–9). The papal Roman Empire ended with the loss of the papal states and Rome itself voting in 1870 to become a part of the Kingdom of Italy under King Victor Emmanuel (Chapter …show more content…

The sixth judgment took place when “the king’s of the whole world” went to war; it was called the First ‘World’ War. With it, the Caesar of Germany (Kaiser) fought the Caesar of Russia (Czar) and brought an end of both who claimed to rule in succession of Rome and New Rome, Constantinople (Chapter 16:12–16).

The final judgment on The Empire occurred in World War II as Hitler and Mussolini tried to restore the Roman Empire and bring in a 1000-year reign. This last war, the air war (16:17), ended all claims of anyone to be Rome’s successor.

The Roman Empire was no more and Christians were numerous and powerful. Now the victorious church had to face new foes beyond the Empire (Gog and Magog). This Millennial struggle was to continue until Christ’s return and total victory (Chapter 19–21).

With John’s great work, Revelation, we are privileged to be an insider to the most amazing upset victory in all time. Jesus the King of kings triumphs over all His foes!

Take note that according to the World Almanac, 2004 edition, page 612, in mid 2002 there were 2,038,905,000 Christians worldwide making them the most numerous on every continent but Asia. The second largest religion is Muslims with 1,225,403,000 adherents. Muslims hold that Jesus is a prophet. The third largest religion is Hindus with 828,130,000 adherents. Many Hindus consider Jesus a god, one of their most popular ones in

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