Role Of Race In Othello

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Do you think that race has everything to do about who we are? Because people has been discussing that race in “Othello” by William Shakespeare is not an issue in the story. Race is an important part in “Othello.” It is one part of the element that what makes Othello an outsider, even though he has political power and great reputation all around.But due to all of the doubtness to his experiences, is because he is black. Based on the race in Othello is important in the story based on the Racist insults, how the story would have changed, and weakest target.

Othello’s race might be very important in the play because if he wasn't a moor then it would be just a story where two people falls in love and gets married without the father’s permission. And Iago would have been probably been okay if Othello made the choice of making cassio the lieutenant instead of him and moved along with his life and everyone will been fine. …show more content…

In Othello, racial stereotypes are thicken up the plot but yet making a problem that requires a solution. The racial comment between Othello and Desdemona is mention in when Iago tells Brabantio that ‘an old black ram/ is tupping your white ewe'. In calling Othello ‘black ram’, Iago relates physically and animality with Othello and blackness. Yet words that come out of Iago makes Othello erotic, foreign or monstrous, But yet he is also human and sympathetic, vulnerable compared to what Iago lied out of his mouth, the reason the target is Othello is because his difference makes him an easy target to use on. But if Othello was white and secretly having sex with Desdemona and Iago knew he wouldn't tell her father because there isn't much to go against Othello, he isn't much different than the

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