Role Of Aphrodite In Greek Mythology

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1. The Greek character I have chosen would have to be Aphrodite. The reason for my decision, is the way Aphrodite was represented as the most kind of like modern, she represents desire so she always acts on her urges, of course so does a lot of the gods, however Aphrodite is what drives that desire her pure existence is desire, she is known as Golden Aphrodite or the laughing goddess, which is a great designation on how Aphrodite acted, very much not serious at all, she is always depicted laying around or standing in a very lazy manner, which is I enjoy about Aphrodite her personality is completely leisurely she really represents pleasure. The reason Aphrodite is one of the most important characters in Greek mythology, well for one she was practically one of the most important characters …show more content…

Alice Liddell from Tim Burtons rendition of Lewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland, the reason I chose Alice is becasue she does go on a quest in a mythical place meeting all of these mythical beings, just like most of the heroes from Greek myth however most of the creatures Alice meets does not want to kill her all the time, but she does go on a journey trying to find her way home just like Odysseus in the Odyssey traveling from place to place never finding his way home just like Alice, a characteristic of a life of a Greek hero is that the hero is separated from his/her familiar surroundings and goes on a journey alone which is exactly what happened to Alice she went on the journey alone and she came back alone. Another way Alice relates to the heroes is by having a deeper understanding after the journey ends before Alice went on her journey in the movie she was dealing with some issues with her mother and the society she was born in and the norms that she must follow according to her society she then goes on this adventure gaining the knowledge she needed from her experiences on her adventure and after she got back to her life she shared the new views on life to her

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