Rodin's Study for Falling Man and The Kiss

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Rodin's Study for Falling Man and The Kiss

In Study for Falling Man Rodin used a fluid, supple motion to arch the figure’s back, throwing the body into a dramatic curve. His understanding of anatomy echoes that of Michelangelo, whose works enthralled Rodin, as he wrote: “My liberation from academism was effected by Michelangelo.”

Rodin’s The Kiss is a representation of the story of Paolo, the brother of Gianciotto, and Francesca, Gianciotto’s wife, in Dante’s book The Divine Comedy: Inferno. They fell in love while reading romances of courtly love and after exchanging their first kiss,
Gianciotto caught them by surprise and stabbed them.

Rodin being an impressionist created the sculpture in true human form.
The audience can feel the passion, love, and true happiness as the two embrace i...

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