Rocky: Reputation In The Wrestling Ring

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The film Rocky is a drama/sport film produced in 1976. Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay and starred in the film as the main protagonist, Rocky. John G. Avildsen, known for The Karate Kid Series, directed Rocky. Reputation and ambition are central themes that become evident as the movie progresses. Reputation in the wrestling ring is a major concept in the film, and that reputation requires ambition. This ambition is needed to create a reputation for oneself in the ring, but also to pursue Rocky’s love interest, Adrian Pennino (portrayed by Talia Shire). The film Rocky is about a young man named Rocky Balboa who has had a rough upbringing. He resides in a ghetto neighborhood in Philadelphia and lives in a shabby apartment. Rocky works as a debt collector for a local boss and boxes in his free time. Later in the film, Rocky is offered the opportunity to box a world champion boxer, Apollo Creed (played by Carl Weathers). Rocky begins heavily training in hopes of creating a reputation for himself in the ring, as well as pursuing a relationship with Adrian. Rocky Balboa goes from an unknown fighter to boxing against a world champion in a dramatic representation of the American Dream. …show more content…

As the film progresses, one notices the internal and external conflicts Rocky faces. He must prove his skill to himself, and in the ring against Apollo Creed. The director probably wanted to better illustrate the slum neighborhoods by using dark colors and a rough-grain film stock. I personally fell this movie is an accurate representation of an Italian amateur wrestler trying to make ends meet. The images look darker and they have somewhat of an accent when using slang. When I think about this film, things that come to mind include rough neighborhoods and the American

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