Robots Essay

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The Replacement of Humans Statistics mention that the population of the robot has reached 8.6 million. Also, Statistics separate robots in two groups: industrial machines and service machines. Humans are the ones who program and design robots. Scientists have the ability to make our life easier by inventions. Examples include mobile phones, planes and some other great inventory. However, many inventory come with unexpected consequences, and one of them is the increase of inventing robots to take humans place. The idea of having these machines to do humans jobs and assignment sounds horrible. This paper argues that humans cannot be replaced by robots for three major reasons. The first major reason is robots have no heart, soul or a great personality. Using these machines will reduce the cost that the company pay to the workers as a salary also it will save the time. They don’t take day offs. Also they won’t be tired or ill from working for long hours. Furthermore, their work will be very accurate and exact. There won’t be any errors in their work. They can work in dangerous work zone with no harm side effects. For example, robots are used in doing gifts wrapping in factories, bomb disposal squad in the army and tellers in banks. All these jobs require high specific efficiency, which is available in robots. In “Eight jobs robots do better than humans” (Hill, C., & Watch, M. ,2014) article there are an example of robots that work in USA bomb disposal squad. Their work is better than human, because with robots we don’t put the life of people in danger. Beside that the article stated there are many banks department use robots as tellers, because it makes the financial expense less. Robots do the same job as humans with no salaries. Also I read an article called “Deep-Sea Diving Robot Can Do Dangerous Work” by (Freeman, K., 2012) she mentions that it is a great thing that robots can replace people because we need robots to do risk tasks such as deep diving undersea that extend to a large Robots replace humans in some applications but there is no complete replacement, because robots cannot be like humans. Robots don’t have a unique soul or feelings so they don’t have good reactions towards things. Humans have a good reaction on things than robots because they have soul and feelings. These machines cannot do anything without the human brain, because people can think, solve problems and create great things. Also it is hopeless and impossible for robots to work in some jobs that just human can work in it. We have to fight back because we don’t need robots to take our jobs or to do our assignment and tasks. Also what’ll left for people to do if robots take humans place?. Experts say we have to encourage towards new technology but I think we have to think also about the disadvantages of the technology that could harm or damage our

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