Robocop Movie Sociology

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This is a series of scenes from the original Robocop film. Throughout the film there are multiple scenes in which a fictional media forecast is given and a series of fictional advertisements are also shown. While some aspects of these scenes connect back to the films story, there are multiple parts that seem arbitrary. If one looks more closely however, they will find that these scenes are coded with a lot more meaning that goes beyond the films plot. Robocop is known for being a fantastic action flick, but beneath the surface of this is a satire that makes fun of a lot of aspects about American life and culture which is also what makes the film so enjoyable. Through a semiotic analysis of this particular part of the film, one can see just …show more content…

This is what leads to the creation of the Robocop that serves as the films protagonist. Throughout the movie you see various negative reactions from the police officers to this power move as they feel like their not only being replaced, but also that their lives aren’t being taken into account by the greedy corporation that’s pushing for efficiency no matter the situation. Beneath the conflict and plot devices associated with this scene is symbolic message. It is symbolic of the recurring practice of corporations taking over public institutions, the overwhelming power and greed within military companies, and technology replacing the efficiency human labor. As stated in Bergers Semiotic Analysis, “a word or an image is symbolic when it implies something more than its obvious and immediate meaning” (Berger). In this case, the scene is implying that this is an example of what happens when big greedy corporations try and take over public institutions (in this case the local police force) and how technology may one day overtake our work. The purpose of this symbolic message is to ridicule a practice that was becoming more and more popular within American culture during the time of the movies release (late

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