Roberts Smalls: An Exceptional Leader

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How would you respond to someone trying to take your job away from you because of your skin color? Would you just stand by and let it happen or would you fight with everything you have in you to keep your job. This describes the situation that Roberts Smalls had to endured. Roberts Smalls was an African American Politician. Roberts Small was a exceptional leader that proved that with determination, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Many difficult situation were thrown left and right at him and despite everything thrown at him he overcame slavery, racism, and being deprived of his human rights. Roberts Smalls was born a slave in Beaufort, South Carolina on April 5, 1839 to Robert and Lydia Smalls. Robert had a relativity easy life for a slave up until he was ten. His mother Lydia wanted her son to experience first hand some of the challenges of slavery, because for the first ten years of Robert life he had the chance to explore the town with his master Henry McKee and he was able to play with both black and white kids in the neighborhood unlike like many other slave kids. Many other slaves children would have to work sun up to sun down picking crops. Robert went from sleeping on a cot,wearing nice cloths, and playing with the neighborhood kids to sleeping on the …show more content…

During this time the Civil War has started and the Confederates called Plantar into to action. Before the Civil War, Robert and three other slaves acquired the skills to pilot the ship by themselves. This is where Robert plan came into action. The Union Navy could be seen from Charleston Harbor. Later that day when the white crew member went ashore, Robert and the other slaves got their families on the Planter and began their journey to freedom. All they had to do was seen pass five Confederates gun ships without rising suspicion. Robert then sailed into the territory of the Union Navy and surrender The Planters and they ere

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