Robert Frost's Search For Meaning

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Something similar with all of these texts, searching for a place of belonging.
Answer: Through the questioning of preconceived values and societal placement discovery allows the individual to discover or rediscover un-noticed possibilities of their own human experience and of others. This is emphasised through Frosts application of poetry form in order to illustrate the world of relationships and belonging within society. Throughout Stopping by woods on a snowy evening by Robert Frost the emphasis of societal obligation versus the bliss of oblivion allows through a sudden and unexpected rediscovery of the repressed thoughts of societal obligation. Frost involves the user through conversational yet rigid structure In order to emphasise discovery …show more content…

In Frost’s poem “After Apple picking” through as a journey approaches a frightening transformation the protagonist still reflects upon their past to attempt to find meaning for life, and even death. Through the selfish introspective phrase “for I have had too much” Frost comments on how frightening the approach to the unknown abyss is for the individual, he finally feels the fatigue from the rest of his life. For someone who has conformed, providing for others their entire life now takes attempts to get something in return, finding nothing. Questioning and reflection of the past and the meaning behind it allows as the biblical allusions of apples shows them to be desire (Adam and Eve), this selfishness to understand is expressed by the protagonist as the great unknown frightens him. Yet it is this desire that betrays and leads to an even further lack of understanding. He begins to ask whether he is merely dreaming, this comment on the human experience shows its deep and misunderstood nature that is felt when approaching death. The other characteristic of apples in their sweetness, capitalised through the fact the grower is the only one not to enjoy/ taste this from his own crop. Through his work for others, he places his life in the hands of society removing any ability for enjoyment or contemplation of what he does. Finally his lack of power and control is realised through the uncertain phrase “or just some human sleep” which contrasts to the confidence and unquestioning nature he has lived life. The pessimism expressed in this poem states that accepting a lack of knowledge after deep questioning and reflection still allows transformation to occur and the end of discovery to engulf

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