Robert Ackley's Decline Of The Catcher In The Rye

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Robert Ackley is an absolute slob who is excruciatingly irritating as well, yet Holden is still friendly with him, unlike most of the other boys from Pencey. This is most likely because Holden is very lonely in his dorm and will take any company he can get and also because Holden is actually a kind-hearted young man. When Holden and his friend Mal are going out to watch a movie, Holden asks Ackley to come and join them because he felt sorry for him, “I asked was because Ackley never did anything on Saturday night, except stay in his room and squeeze his pimples or something” (Salinger 41). Holden is compassionate when he invited Ackley, simply because he did not want Ackley to be lonely on a Saturday night. Even though Holden is troubled in

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