Roanoke Colony Summary

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In the game, Civilization IV: Colonization, the objective is to build different settlements, discover how to make them successful, and to conquer any obstacles that may arise-- all during the colonial period. This game displays many similar circumstances to that which were dealt with in our history. Early settlers found that some settlements would become more successful than others, for instance, Jamestown was more successful than the Roanoke colony, which was referred to as “The Lost Colony.” The Roanoke colony was nicknamed the Lost Colony because all of its settlers mysteriously disappeared in 1590; it is assumed that these settlers either died of starvation or were killed by natives. Jamestown was founded many years later, but was very successful. Jamestown was successful because of its location, which provided easy ship access and there were not native inhabitants to hinder their expansion plans. Colonists in this time had to figure out where the best places to settle would be, how they would successfully produce food, and discover how to expand and build new industries that would help them thrive. While playing the game, my partner and …show more content…

When settlers got to North America, they faced starvation and disorder. Settlers also encountered Native Americans, who seemed strange and different to them. While some settlers wanted peace with the natives, others did not. These are the same hardships we had to experience while playing the game. When we first started, we had no idea what to do or even where to begin making our settlements. We even had to restart the game because we established a town on a tiny island which offered nothing to us. The second time we started, we got up to having three settlements; Isabella, Shannon, and

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