Richard Wright's Poem 'A Girl Of Emotion'

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I titled my found poem “A Girl of Emotion” because I wanted to highlight how my outward expression of emotion is not always how I handle them on the inside. “A Girl of Emotion” exhibits the persona or theme of the cheerful me everyone I surround myself with perceives versus the real me, who has hardships that bring me down to the point of tears. In the first stanza of my poem, I introduce the me I choose to depict to those around me, a bright bubbly young woman. In my second stanza of my found poem however, I explain that at certain times I disappear to a metaphorical hiding place, a place I feel at home, and ponder on my hardships. The first stanza of “A Girl of Emotion” magnifies how the whole world perceives me towards the reader. I always attempt to appear to my peers as confident. I chose my first line “Her head is always high” because it allows the reader to understand how people view me (Giovanni, 15). As expressed in lines two through three, I allude the reader to understand my viewpoints and how I always try to have positive thoughts. This also leads directly into line five “Never Alone and Thinking” which accentuates the fact I try not to have deep thoughts (Wright,4). In line ten through eleven “My black face fades, …show more content…

In lines eighteen through nineteen “The bold wolf is lonely now” I represent the figurative isolation I feel at times ((Ayotrohaedi, “At the Zoo” 18-19). Through this I try to have the reader imagine what I experience. In lines thirteen through fourteen “Learn to live in [herself]. There thought on thought” I display towards the reader how I have to live within myself (Tyutchev, 12-13). In lines 26-27 “My most beautiful hiding places, Places that best fit my soul’s deepest colors” I discuss the hiding place I create in my mind (Orozco, 1-2). This asserts the reader to understand. Lines 32-33 “Nothing but sighs escape from her

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