Rhetorical Analysis Of War Essay

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Rhetorical Analysis of WAR Erich Wiessner University of Texas at El Paso Rhetorical Analysis of War “Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge” a quote from Sir Winston Churchill (1923, p.623) he used to describe the geopolitics of the First World War is found an apt characterization of Publicis Singapore’s WAR (see appx). Created for Crisis Relief Singapore’s “Liking isn’t helping” ad campaign as an argument against self-gratifying passive acknowledgment and a call for substantive action marketed to a global audeance. WAR successfully illustrates this intent with an easily understandable yet deeply powerful nearly universal effect. To better understand the simple strength in Publicis Singapore’s argument requires dissection …show more content…

In the far bottom right corner the logo for and name of Crisis Relief Singapore can be found in very small font almost hidden in the gray tone of the image. However, the image draws the viewers’ attention to the mother, which serves as the authoritative agent of suffering and to the near globally known “Thumbs-up” representing Facebook specifically and social media generally. It is these two elements that present not only the subjects of the argument but also lends the composition a sense of authenticity. After all who is unaware of Facebook or would argue the sincerity of a mothers sorrow for their injured child? Pathos By far the most intended appeal and surely the most impactful, pathos continues the sub- theme of allowing the illustrations to provide the punch while using words to quietly accentuate intent. At center frame, the opened mouthed, limp and blood staining child staring blankly at his mother whom helplessly cradles him conveys a feeling of tragic sorrow. The hands, giving the perspective of coming from off screen and juxtaposed with the sorrow of the mother, are meant to impart the viewers a sense of guilt and abhorrent complicity with the absurd “Thumbs-up”. Then, in small font at the bottom of the image, the tag line “Be a volunteer. Change a life” and we address offers redemptive hope. What a ride! Heart ripped witness to terrible tragedy, apathetic villain making light of misery and the chance to change your ways, to be a

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