Rhetorical Analysis Of Speech At Liberty University By Ted Cruz

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As President Obama’s presidential term comes to a close, it begins the 2016 presidential campaign to elect the new president of the United States. While many candidates will run for presidency, only a few will be successful in gaining popularity with voters. In order to appeal to the audience, it is essential that candidates know their audiences’ values, but still represent the principles they are running for. Ted Cruz, a republican, wisely chooses the people who will most likely vote for him by understanding their beliefs. In his campaign announcement speech at Liberty University, Ted Cruz is not only able to successfully relate to the audience using his Christian faith, but also encourages his political philosophy of the government having …show more content…

Cruz lists different sets of people, which includes himself, and describes them using pronouns such as “we” and “our” to bring a sense of unity in the audience. It is not the responsibility of an individual or government to make America great; it is “our fight”. The pronouns will not only motivate the audience in morphing America into a better nation, but also makes Cruz more relatable, since he is also in the fight of bringing America back to its former glory. Cruz then gears the unified audience to his purpose of accomplishing the American Dream; in order change the nation, the audience must “reclaim… [and] protect the Constitution”. The Constitution list the fundamental principles the US was founded on. Cruz argues that the style of how the government rules America is flawed, considering that America was already a powerful nation before the government gained

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