Rhetorical Analysis Of 12 Years A Slave

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Solomon’s Northup narrative, 12 Years a Slave is considered to be one of the best slave accounts written in history today. According to the author Ira Berlin, “few accounts of slavery match Solomon Northup’s tale of abduction from freedom and forcible enslavement”. The novel can be seen by some readers as a direct response to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin and was published in the year 1853; a time period where slavery was a subject many people avoided discussing. The novel ultimately details how Northup, who was born a free man, was kidnapped by two men who befriended him under false pretenses of employment and sold him into slavery. As a result of the previous, Northup persuades readers of the novel with a believable, heart-clenching account of his sufferings during his …show more content…

The reading audience of Northup’s memoir is able to understand his convincing description of slavery when Northup establishing his logos. Northup begins the novel by addressing his status as a free man, stating that the purpose of his memoir is to “give a candid and truthful statement of facts without exaggeration” of his severe bondage as a slave. Because Northup establishes his purpose of his narrative to the readers of 12 Years a Slave, the audience is able to connect with his argument that the events he eloquently describes in the novel actually transpired. Therefore, the reader becomes persuaded because Northup leaves the story of his life for “others to determine”. Northup also establishes his logos by presenting evidence to the reader while describing is hardships as a slave.

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