Rhetoric Analysis: The Column By Nicholas Kristof

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The column by Nicholas Kristof informs readers about the horrid events occurring against the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar. Kristof includes several direct quotes from people who have been forced to flee Myanmar. He incorporates the rhetorical appeal pathos by describing the merciless soldiers oppressing the minority. “‘They’re killing children”’ the columnist includes accounts of children under 10 being beheaded and infants being thrown in the rivers to drown. These actions of the majority group appeals to ethos and pathos of the audience filling readers with anger over the graphic descriptions of innocent children being murdered ruthlessly. One of the main concepts Kristof is addressing in his column concerns the Nobel Prize winner Daw Aung …show more content…

He does not demonize her as he mentions that she is not leading these attacks on the minority, she simply is dismissing the acts as fake news. “... Daw Suu’s Facebook page mocked the claims as ‘fake rape.”’ The columnist does reveal his stance on the Daw Suu issue at the end of paragraph 12 when he calls Daw Suu a “pragmatic politician,” meaning she is now more concerned about her political status than representing what is morally right. Daw Suu was once a hero that faced the tyrannical government, but she has now turned her back on the suffering people and offered her support to the tyrannical government in exchange for political status. The columnist also voices his hope and call to world leaders to stand against the violence and calling on leaders inside the country such as Daw Suu to put an end to it. When writing of these leaders, the columnist calls out to our president, voicing his hopes that the US can contribute to the halting of the ethnic cleansing. Kristof also mentions that many are calling for the removal of Daw Suu’s Nobel Prize, as people are viewing her as unworthy to hold the title as she is not promoting peace

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