Review of the Korean War

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A. Plan of Investigation

The investigation assesses the scope of how United States anti-communism affected the outcome of the Korean War. To evaluate this affect, the investigation concentrates on the immediate causes of the war, United States involvement during the course of the war and MacArthur’s leadership regarding the army’s attacks and movements. Details of how United States interacted with South Korea and how they defended them are assayed; as well as how Josef Stalin and Koreas sought for independence contributed to the war.

Three sources are examined extensively, “The Korean War: The Forgotten War” by Michael J., Philippe, and Andrew, “The Korean War” by Frank E. Smitha and “Flashpoints: The Korean War” by Richard Edwards for their clarity, distinctions, authentication, values, and limitations.

B. Summary of Evidence

Korea was overtaken by the Japanese in 1904, the same as many other countries did; this was continued until the end of the Second World War. There were wars in both the east, under Adolf Hitler, and Japan. (Causes of Korean War n.d. “In 1910 the country was annexed by Japan, and was heavily exploited for its agricultural and mineral wealth. When Japan decided to invade China, the Japanese forced Koreans to work in labor camps to supply the Japanese with war goods,” (The Korean War: The Forgotten War n.d.). “The Soviet Union (led by Joseph Stalin) and the United States made a deal with each other to force the Japanese out of Korea,” (Causes of Korean War n.d.). The Korean built up over time and therefore, according to Frank Smitha (2011) “The Allies had declared in December, 1943, that Korea was to become "free and independent," and it was agreed that the Soviet Union was to occupy northern Korea, to the ...

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...olvement contributed to the end result of the war in signing an armistice agreement instead of the alternative; South Korea losing because of their size and military equipment. As a result of their lost, the North Koreans could have succeeded under Josef Stalin and evolved communism as a widespread government.

F. List of Sources

(2007). Causes of the Korean War. Retrieved from

Andrew, & J. Michael, & Philippe. The Korean War: The Forgotten War. Retrieved from

Edward, Richard (1988). Flashpoints: The Korean War. Vero Beach, Florida. Rourke

Enterprises Inc.

Guisepi, R.A. Korean War. Retrieved from

Smith, Frank E. (2011). The Korean War. Retrieved from

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