Response to William Shakespeare's Othello

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Response to William Shakespeare's Othello

Following this mingled conversation in which Desdemona playfully

reverses Othello's insinuating diagnosis; Desdemona informs her

husband that she has sent for Cassio to speak to Othello. However

Othello ignores this piece of information and claiming a cold in the

head, asks for her handkerchief. Desdemona expresses regret that she

does not have it with her. Othello reproves her for not having and

then gives an account of why the handkerchief is so important. Since

the handkerchief plays so important a part in the plot machinery of

the play, the description of it is as follows

" That handkerchief

Did an Egyptian to my mother give.

She was a charmer, and could almost read

The thoughts of people. She told her, while she kept it,

It would make her amiable and subdue my father

Eternity to her love, but if she lost it

Or made a gift of it, my fathers eye

Should hold her loathly, and his spirits should hunt

After new fancies. She, dying, gave it me,

And bid me, when my fate would have me wive,

To give it her, I did so, and take heed on't,

Make it a darling like your precious eye.

To lose't or give't away were such perdition

As nothing else could match."

The handkerchief was the Moors fist gift to Desdemona. Emilia refers

to it as "that the Moor first gave to Desdemona" and Othello tells

Iago "twas my first gift". If this gift was given during the courtship

and is truly a magic handkerchief, then Othello did use magic to win

Desdemona, and he lied to the Dukes Court. However if the courtship

was conducted without magic as Othello told the court, he may be lying

now, the handkerchief may not have these properties. Othello maybe

inventing the tale to test or frighten Desdemona. On the other hand,

the handkerchief may have been the first gift after marriage, not

having been given before. Othello's present story then may be taken as

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