Response Letter To Mentorship

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"Dear Mohnish, I am sorry to inform you that I will not be able to mentor you on your research. Best of luck for your future endeavours." read the email as tears started rolling down my cheeks. This was the thirty-seventh time that my request for mentorship was declined. It was heartbreaking to get rejected by all the people that I had asked for mentorship. Months of hard-work spent formulating the research project and designing the experiments had gone down the drain. After a few weeks of dwelling over the rejections, I decided to carry out the project myself. My idea to carry out the project alone was met with skepticism from many people. Friends called me mad, teachers called my idea a waste of time. My parents did not encourage this idea. But I stuck to my decision. After all, I had nothing to lose. …show more content…

The project required certain programs to be coded. My prior experience in programming was as good as nothing. School turned out to be of very little help during this time. So, I started taking online lectures offered by MIT. Hours were spent completing the coursework and ten times the same amount of time was spent practicing and getting better at programming. StackOverflow had become my best friend for the next few months. Thousands of lines of code and 93 days later, I had become proficient in the Python programming language. Having acquired the programming skills, I was now able to code the required programs. Now, it was time to find volunteers. When you are a sixteen year old with no one to back you up, it is very hard to get people to invest their time in you and your project. However, weeks of chasing and pleading finally got me the volunteers that were

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