Respiratory Disease Case Study

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Respiratory disease is a major health problem and had become control of epidemic and pandemic disease in health care. (WHO, 2007). Nowadays, respiratory disease is global problem that occur in both developed and developing countries. Over 50 million of world population suffers from respiratory diseases. Respiratory system is very essential for human beings to live as this exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide for respiration. Respiratory disease is a pathologic condition that affects all the parts of the respiratory system, being with nose, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Diseases can be categorized, for instance, acute infection like common cold, chronic (Asthma) and fatal (lung cancer). It can be causes due to several factors such as infections, …show more content…

One of the two common diseases that fall into the group called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Other type of condition is known as Bronchitis. Another means by which Emphysema is a type of lung disease and it develop in smokers and people who work in polluted areas. Globally, it is estimated that about 3 million deaths were caused by the disease in 2015 (World Health Organization). This condition is mainly caused in smokers and people who work or settled in highly polluted areas by chemicals, fumes emitted from factories and so on. Therefore these can damage the small air sacs called alveoli in lungs and get weaken, have very thin walls and delicate. The alveoli wall reduces the surface area, elasticity and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide carried by blood stream. The first indications of emphysema are shortness and whooping cough, shortness of breathing. There people suffering from this condition for a long term without knowing. The symptoms of emphysema are; fast heartbeat, exhaustion, weight loss, gray lips and depression.
In Emphysema diagnosis, doctor may examine the patient not only by symptoms but also using medical history to check whether he/she is suffering from emphysema. There are various tests done to identify the disease. They are X-rays and CT scans of lungs, blood test, electrocardiogram (ECG), and arterial blood test, lung function test.
Respiratory diseases have an impact on health and as well as signs of the disease and diagnosis. Also, every respiratory disease will not have treatments. Therefore, it is the responsibility of people to be aware of

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