Resident Evil 3-Nemesis

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Resident Evil 3-Nemesis

Bio Hazard 3-Last Escape

--Faqs/Walkthrough--[by Rann Yong]

Table of Contents


01. Intro

02. What's New

03. Controls

04. Characters

05. Walkthrough

I. September 28th, daylight...

II. October 1st, night...

06. Secrets

07. Mecenaries Game

08. Rank/ Grade

09. Miscellaneous

10. About

11. Special Thanks

01. Intro


This is the first faq/ walkthrough I ever wrote, so please forgive me for not

good in writting this faq. I must say that this game is harder than the previous

series of Bio Hazard as the Boss (the one chasing you) in this episode is

difficult to handle. So don't underestimate this game! Nemesis will come running

at you all the time! He won't rest until you die in his will notice

that, by the time he appear he will say "DIE!!"

For this faq is quite or very hard for me to explain because there's lot of

parts such as where the item location is, will differs according to your

progress in the game. So instead of telling you where the item is, I rather not

include that, sorry!! But don't worry the item can be obviously seen if you look


This game is rather short but writting walkthrough is not that

short...especially come explaining something difficult although my explaination

is not that good. The walkthrough section only emphasize on the important item

such as key. In other words, the location of green herbs, first aid spray, etc

is not discussed.

I recommended you guys and gals go get all the Bio Hazard series, as to exactly

know what is happening. The objective in Bio Hazard 3 is solely escaping from

the Raccoon City.

02. What's New


Version 0.2


-include walkthrough, character, miscellaneous faq including gunpowder mixing.

-update on mercenaries game, I forgot another civilian from the last version.

Version 0.1


-First released

-Include mercenaries game, controls, etc.

-Not much but enough to get you through the game

03. Controls


The following control is by default in the game. Control is break into two

parts, basic movement, and new movement.

Basic movement Control


Walk forward D-pad up

Walk backward D-pad down

Turn right D-pad right

Turn left D-pad left

Run D-pad up while holding X

New movement Control


180 degrees turn Press(or hold) D-pad down and X simultaneously

Avoid obstacles Rapidly press R1,R2 or L1 when enemy's going to attack


04. Characters


Name: Jill

Gender: Female

Occupation: S.T.A.R.S. member

Purpose: Escape from Raccoon City

Control through game: Yes

Control through mercenaries game: No

Name: Carlos

Gender: Male

Occupation: Mercenary hired by Umbrella

Purpose: Rescue the civilians in Raccoon City

Control through game: Yes

Control through mercenaries game: Yes

Name: Mikhail

Gender: Male

Occupation: Mercenary hired by Umbrella

Purpose: Rescue the civilians in Raccoon City

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