Research Paper Outline For Araby

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Araby Outline I. Characters – None of the characters in Araby have names because the events take place in the eye and mind of the narrator. a. The main character is also the narrator, a young boy who lives with his aunt and uncle. He is of school age. b. Minor characters include the Uncle, Aunt, and Mangan’s sister. c. Mangan, the boy’s other playmates, and the sales woman in the stall at the Araby are all marginal characters. II. Plot a. Conflict i. The boy is infatuated with Mangan’s sister and wants to buy her a gift from the Araby in attempt win her affection, but his uncle doesn’t acknowledge his request. He is unable to focus in school or think about anything else but her. The night of the bazaar, his uncle comes home late, drunk, and …show more content…

While the story takes place in Ireland, the narrator and his family are Arabic. IV. Coming of Age a. I think that both Araby and Rocking Horse Winner are both coming of age stories. b. A coming of age story is one that depicts the protagonist growing and transitioning from childhood to adulthood through different events and experiences, hence “coming of age.” c. Araby is a coming of age story. i. The narrator is an adult reflecting on a childhood experience. ii. The narrator has an enormous crush on his friend’s older sister and seems to live in his own fantasy world. 1. “All my senses seemed to desire to veil themselves and, feeling that I was about to slip from them, I pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: `O love! O love!' many times.” iii. He becomes obsessed with her, unable to do anything but think of her, neglecting school and his friends. He begins to feel superior to his friends and develops a defiant personality – this shows that he is starting to think independently. He also does not seem to worry as much about disappointing his teacher, as he sees his love as more important. 1. “I answered few questions in class. I watched my master's face pass from amiability to sternness; he hoped I was not beginning to

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