Research Paper On Trichotillomania

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Trichotillomania is a body-focused repetitive behavior classified as an impulse control disorder which involves pulling out one’s hair, usually from the scalp, eyebrows or eyelashes. Trichotillomania is the pulling of one's hair, resulting in a noticeable hair loss, although the cause is unknown, there are ways to overcome it. People with Trichotillomania will experience plenty of symptoms, although it is unknown why some even get it. The most common sign of trichotillomania is recurrent hair pulling resulting in a noticeable loss of hair(Mayo Clinic). When people pull their hair they usually experience a sense of tension building up before pulling. After pulling their hair they have a sense of relief or pleasure(Mayo Clinic). Hair pulling can be different for everyone; some will bite, chew or eat their pulled hair and others will have a certain angle or way they pull the hairs(Mental Health America). The causes are unknown, but many say it is experienced while in a stressful situation. Other factors may include genetics, the environment, abnormalities in the brain, or having changes in hormone levels, especially during puberty(WebMD). …show more content…

getting trichotillomania is not very common, only a small percentage of people will get it in their life. In the U.S. only around four percent of people have it(Trich Stop). Anybody has a chance of getting Trichotillomania, but some factors can lead to a certain group with a much higher chance of having it. It is most common in females, but males still have a chance of having Trichotillomania(Trich Stop). The age of onset is between the ages of nine and thirteen, but there is a peak between the ages of twelve and thirteen(Mental Health America). Other disorders related to it may include OCD or depression(Mental Health

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