Research Paper On Torture

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Torture in Society Since the creation of the world torture has been in our societies. It is used as a way to get information from another using cruel methods. In some cases it has proven successful, but in even more cases it has shown that it can be inhuman and lead to receiving no information. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was made to try and stop these tortures, but they are still happening. Many think that torture is a good method of extracting intelligence but in reality it does more harm than good. In 2001 the tragedy of 9/11 happened, and was caused by Islamic terrorist.The American government need to find out the exact people who were up to this, so they started interrogating people. During these interrogations the suspects were sleep deprived for hours by being forced to listen to heavy metal and stand in front of lights. Even back in the 1500’s torture was present. In Romania impalement was done to anyone who did wrong or who was even innocent. However inhumane tortures like these ones are still done today in countries like the United States and North Korea. In the United States the CIA is one of America’s best intelligence gathering …show more content…

With new technology coming everyday torture could become even more inhuman. It is up to this generation to work hard and fix the problem with torture. Solving this problem will have to start with people not to be broken by torture. Mahatma Ghandi once said that,”You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body;but you will never imprison my mind.” If torture victim are able to keep this mentality using these inhumane methods of gathering intel will become useless. Another way of making torture ineffective is by adding more consequences for countries that are using torture. As Otto Warmbier was a student and being tortured until the point of death can no longer be allowed in our 21st century

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