Research Paper On No Country For Old Men

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“No Country for Old Men” No Country for Old Men is an Academy Award winning film directed, edited, and written by Joel and Ethan Coen and is based on the Cormac McCarthy novel No Country for Old Men. The film characters include a Vietnam vet, who is now a blue collar welder, a violent contract killer, and a confident but weary sheriff. The film takes place in West Texas in 1980 and is centered around the chaos of questionable decision making and killing without a purpose or at the very least, killing without ethics. This film is a thrilling suspense filled film from the opening scene to the closing credits. The film opens with an establishing shot of the Texas landscape of the wide open emptiness and the vast plains. A narration breaks the silence by informing you about the way things used to be. Tommy Lee Jones’ character, an experienced lawman, named Sheriff Ed Tom Bell. The sheriff pontificates on the easy, breezy times of lawfulness in the past, while …show more content…

Three characters are virtually in a chase without ever really being in any scenes together. The editing, done by the Coen brothers and Roderick Jaynes, is done in a way where you do not want the scenes to end because they leave you so emotionally charged. In one of the scenes were Anton gets close to finding Llewelyn, the money transmitter beeps at the same pace that you heart would beat. The scenes cut back and forth from where you know Llewelyn is preparing for his expected visitor to Anton’s discovery that he has made it to where the money and the man are. In another flawless edited scene, Anton kills the bounty hunter, played by Woody Harrelson, off screen. In an effort to show that death means nothing, Anton is calm beyond comfort when the camera pans away when he shoots Harrelson and cuts to the ringing phone on the table. He answers while you see blood oozing across the room toward Anton’s feet as he raises them onto the bed and continues his

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