Research Paper On Mardi Gras

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Mardi Gras began in France during the medieval ages. Originally it was known as Boeuf Gras or fatted calf and it transitioned into Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday in the 1700s. French explorer Jean Baptiste de Bienville brought it to the United States. He arrived at what is now Louisiana on the eve of Mardi Gras and on March 2,1699 and he named the point he arrived at Pointe du Mardi Gras. However, Mardi Gras was first celebrated in the United States in Mobile, Alabama in 1703. Bienville later established New Orleans in 1718 and by 1740 most people in Louisiana celebrated Mardi Gras by participating in parades. The governor of Louisiana, Marquis de Vaudreuil, developed formal balls with masks as another way to celebrate. To later celebrate the visit

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