Research Paper On John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism

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Utilitarianism is the moral beliefs than an achievement is right if the outcome is greatest for most people. I was given three hundred dollars for my birthday; I would donate a portion of the money to hungry children for potential food and still have money left for the Coach Bag or Armani Exchange outfit knock-offs at Target then the real things at the Nordstrom downtown. I would donate the money because the greatest happiness Principle said the children need more than I do. Also, if I decision to donate the money to the hungry children, then that has a higher level of happiness and has a bigger impact on the world. The hungry children need the money more than I need the money to buying new designer clothes. If the hungry children are given …show more content…

By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure” (82, John Stuart Mill). The Greatest Happiness Principle said that happiness if pleasure and the absence of pain are the only desirable things that are “inherently good” or “moral inherently”. John Stuart Mill argues that engagements are principled when they indication to a higher level of happiness, and not corrupted when they tend to lend to a lower level of happiness. According to John Stuart Mill, anything is desirable as it is a source of for such pleasure. John Stuart Mill believes that “life has (as they express it) no higher end than pleasure” (82, John Stuart Mill). According to John Stuart Mill, buying the food for the children will bring me much higher …show more content…

By donating the money I have a bigger impact on the world. If I buy the clothes then I do not have that great of an impact on the world. John Stuart Mill sates that people are capable of picking the higher pleasure, but are influenced of temptation by the lower pleasure but they know which one is the least valuable. The person is perfectly aware that by donating the money to hungry children that is the higher pleasure but they are encouraged by the lower pleasure, so they end up picking the lower pleasure, which they buying new clothes does not have a impact or important impact on society. Learning how to pick the best optional would get the person a higher level of happiness or pleasure in that matter. Trying to figure out which one is the higher pleasure and lower pleasure for society. By picking the lower pleasure they are incapable of picking the other optional. “... being the preference felt by those who, in their opportunities of experience, to which must be added their habits of self-consciousness and self-observation, are best furnished with the means of comparison.” (84, John Stuart Mill ). People who engage higher faculties are often less satisfied, because they have a wider sense of the boundaries of the world. John Stuart Mill argues that people tend to go for lower pleasures do not have experience with higher pleasure, so they will pick the lower pleasure

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