Research Paper On Jason Voorhees

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Halloween Night Every Halloween night at this very graveyard the spirit of Jason Voorhees comes out to seek his vengeance on anyone who steps foot in the graveyard. Back in 1985, Jason was a young boy out on Halloween night going from house to house collecting candy. As he just finished at Mr. Stew’s house a group of kids walked passed him and told him that they scored big at the graveyard at the end of the street. So little Jason started for the graveyard. Once he reached the graveyard, he went in but he didn't see any houses so he started to wander around aimlessly in the dark. Then all of the sudden a loud boom filled the air! After that little incident, Jason was still wondering where the candy was. Then all of a sudden he see’s a big tall building which seems to look like a house. The light above the door starts to flicker on and off as he walks closer. It gradually starts to get faster and faster, When when he gets to the door it stays as a solid beam of light as he goes to ring the doorbell. The door automatically opens and makes a loud creak as if someone were scratching a chalkboard as his teacher did to get the classes attention. …show more content…

Some time goes by and there’s no response so he decides to go deeper into the house, and he stumbles on what looks like a kitchen. He enters the kitchen and sees a figure in the corner which seems to look like a person so he calls out “Hello”. It screams “GET OUT” and the figure disappears into thin

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