Research Paper On I Love Lucy

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I Love Lucy: How does Lucy tend to needlessly complicate situations? Are the effects of this habit always negative?

In season 1, episode 35, Lucy complicated things by putting pressure on Ricky to ask his boss for a raise. As Lucy started to complaint about needing more money to buy things that she wants. So a dinner was planned with Ricky’s boss and after the dinner Lucy pressure Ricky in asking for a raise. Ricky went along with Lucy’s planned which did not work, instead Ricky ended up losing his job as he was pressured that he has other jobs offers that would pay that what he was currently earning. As Lucy felt guilty and that her planned back fired which resulted Ricky being laid off. Lucy came up with a different planned without telling her husband in an attempt to get Ricky back his job. Lucy came up with different planned that swayed the owner to believe that his business would not be doing well without Ricky’s leadership. Lucy’s planned work so the owner call Ricky to offer him back his job. When Ricky became cocky and said that he was that popular he does need to work for his boss anymore

The Dick Van Dyke Show: Analyze Sally's situation as an employee and as a woman …show more content…

At time she was able fit and often the man joke about how sally could tell a good joke just like a man. So she was treated equal just like her male coworker. She comes across as though minded career woman that get along well among the boys. When needed to be she puts the men in their placers by speaking her mind and says it like it is. Laura was very supportive and she wanted rob to treat more like a lady. Laura’s planned work so sally realized that she needs to be it more feminine as being too knowledgeable during that era was considered not unattractive since woman belong in the kitchen or house

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