Research Paper On French Opera

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French Opera: From Lully to the Grand Opera

Opera had existed in Europe ever since the first steps were taken to revive the Greek dramas during the Renaissance Era but were restricted to Italy, the birthplace of opera. The French audience was first given an exposure to operatic arts during 1640s when Francesco Sacrati, an Italian composer toured France and performed La finta pazza. The audience didn’t give the opera a warm reception since it was backed by an unpopular minster among the people. Not only politics played a role but the French courtiers also objected the use of Italian language and the length of the performance. More attempts were made by several composers to win over the French audience but to no avail. The French already had …show more content…

Teaming up with the composer Robert Cambert, they produced Pomona, the first French opera. The opera contained many features that the French audience was used to and proved to be a success. Lully by that time had established himself as the music master of the royal family and the fame of Perrin annoyed him. Lully used his influence over the King to hand over the privilege of Académie d'Opéra to him instead and was soon granted rights to produce operas in Paris. In collaboration with the poet Philippe Quinault, he formed a separate genre of French opera known as Tragédie Lyrique. Operas in this genre were based on stories from the Classical mythology and would have five acts. Each of the five acts would open with an aria in which the main character would express their feelings, followed by a dialogue in recitative mixed with short arias. The Italian opera at that time was moving towards opera seria, with da capo airs and an alternating recitative. Lully, however, put the focus on drama. He combined the recitatives and arias for dramatic effect and made the arias short and melodically simple. He also introduced a quicker story development in contrast to the slowly building storyline as seen in Italian opera. The French public preferred this method and soon the operas reached fame.He used these operas to celebrate Louis XIV’s noble qualities and his courage, gaining more influence over the King. Tragédie Lyrique remained the dominant genre of French opera for more than a hundred years after Lully’s death through works of other notable

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