Research Paper On Five Dollars

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Five Dollars On a cold Christmas night, all my aunts, uncles, and cousins were all close together in conversation. I was in the backroom by myself on a couch wrapped in a warm blanket watching a Christmas movie. As I was watching the movie I looked down and halfway under the couch that I was sitting on, was a five dollar bill. Wondering to myself, “Who could this belong to,” I reached and picked it up. I scanned the bill like a detective, being one of the newer five dollar bills with a big purple five on the back of it. Immediately I thought that I should keep, but then I thought if someone needs it I should find out who it belongs to. I did not get up from watching the movie until it was over. I did not think of the five dollar bill while finishing up the movie. But, after I thought again and if I should find out whose five dollars this could be. It was hard for me as a young child to give away a five dollar …show more content…

I got up from the couch, stretched, and walked out to where everyone was talking and enjoying each other’s company. I went around and asked my cousins first, unfortunately no one claimed the five dollar bill. So then I started to ask the adults at the party. I was half way through asking all the parents and not one claimed the five dollars. I kept asking and searching for more people to ask. I eventually got to my Uncle Gary and I asked him, “Do you know whose five dollar bill this is?” He responded asking, “Did you find it in the back room were my son dropped is wallet and spilled everything?” I felt inside of success and happiness, then I responded confidently “Yes, it was tucked under the couch.” I gave him the bill and he took it and said “Thank you for returning the five dollar bill, it’s really great of you to do such a thing.” I felt great inside knowing that, yes I did not get 5 dollars to spend on something, but I did something better returning what was not

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