Research Paper On Alice In Wonderland

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People grown up and are taught real life events to what to believe and false imagination. The realistic events that occur in the world is known by people as sense, once people are presented with gibberish language or events we believe and think nonsense. In the book Alice In Wonderland, a young lady name Alice is raised in a realistic world that she knows as sense. As she travels into another world she experiences events that do not connect with her knowledge that is based off of sense, she’s being to make connections and attempts to connects with this new world and try’s to adapt while she is present. Alice begins to questions the orders and the events that occur while she is in this world of nonsense. She beings to use her ontological reasoning …show more content…

Alice once again experiences the dislocation of time as she travels with the queen in a rapid speed. The queen grabs Alice and being to run with her. The location in which Alice and the queen started running did not change as they stopped and were still in the same location. Traveling at must faster speed then when Alice was falling down the rabbit hole, she once again questions the dislocation of time and beings to make connections to the order in which the world of nonsense travels. The queens explains to Alice that to get to another location she must travel at a much faster …show more content…

In one scene Alice spots a bottle that has a tag that says ‘drink me’ and consumes the drink after observing it. Alice suddenly began to shrink and thought to herself she can now fit into a tiny door she had found. Soon realizing she had forgotten the key in which she found the bottle on, she realized she was much to small to reach it. At her sign she soon finds a piece of cake with a tag that says ‘eat me’ once again expecting the opposite Alice eats the cake and soon being to grow much larger than what she was before. Experiencing these changes with the bottle and cake, Alice find herself in another scene in which she found these two items once again and tells herself after she drink the bottle and grows in size rather than shrinks “‘If I eat one of these cakes,’ she thought, ‘it’s sure to make some change in my size; and, as it ca’n’t possibly make me larger, it must make me smaller’”, (31) uses ontological reasoning. Alice is now being to adapt to the nonsense of eating just eat a piece of cake or drink out a bottle to change her in

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