Research Paper On Abigail Williams In The Crucible

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Do you believe in witchcraft? In Salem, a petite town in Massachusetts, villagers were being accused of performing acts of witchcraft which carried a stiff penalty of death by hanging. Abigail Williams, to many, seemed to be an honest middle-aged teen, however underneath this façade, lay deception and lies. Many citizens of Salem were being charged with carrying out acts of witchcraft by Abigail and her entourage. How would you feel being falsely accused of witchcraft?

Abigail and her friends are in the woods with a slave named Tituba. They are dancing and one girl begins to take her clothes off. Abigail starts to drink blood and Reverend Parris sees all of this. He believes he is witnessing witchcraft. The girls realize that he sees them and they all run back to the village. Reverend Parris runs after them. Betty Parris, Reverend Parris’ daughter, and Ruth Putnam, both girls that were playing in the …show more content…

However, he was married to Elizabeth. Despite the fact that he and Abigail had an affair previously when she worked for them, John tried to stay away from Abigail and remain faithful to his wife. Abigail continued to try and persuade him to be with her. Abigail said to Proctor, “I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion whenever I come near you! Or did I dream that…” John continued to be faithful to Elizabeth. During court, Elizabeth’s name was mentioned. While sitting in court one night, Mary made a poppet of Abigail and gave it to Elizabeth which she put on a shelf. One day, Abigail was felt a needle-stab in her stomach while eating dinner. She then accuses Elizabeth of attempted murder. The court ended up searching the Proctor’s home and found the poppet of Abigail on the shelf with a pin stuck in the stomach. Although Mary confessed to making the poppet, Elizabeth is still taken away and put in jail for suspected

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