Representation Of Women In Pulp Fiction And Fargo

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In many classic hollywood action films women take a backseat to the graphic violence that is depicted and stay behind while their husbands are off fighting, however their power is shown in other ways. They drive the actions of their men, and in many cases they significantly alter the plot of the film. In Pulp Fiction and Fargo none of the women ever injure anyone themselves, but some of the dangerous situations their significant others are throw into that result in violence are caused by the women, and the way the audience judges the moral character of the men is based off the way they treat their women. Without the women, though, some of the men would not have been led on the path to redemption. Mia causes Marsellus to allegedly push a man …show more content…

Redemption is a prevalent theme in Pulp Fiction, especially in contrast to the gruesome violence. Vincent Vega is a cut throat hitman whose actions show that violence is his solution, and even when his partner has a moment of clarity and decides to start his own path to redemption, Vincent is not convinced. His redemption was a direct result of Mia’s overdose on heroine. She did not intend to put Vincent in a life altering situation, but it was because of her action that he had his own moment of clarity when he saved her. It did not cause him to give up the life of a criminal like his partner, but it was enough to change his way of thinking. Fabienne’s actions similarly led Butch to the location where his moment of clarity took place. She forgot his father’s watch, something that defined his moral character, so he was forced to return to his apartment to look for it. The trip to retrieve his watch did not seem to change his mindset, until the moment he hit Marsellus and they were both put in a vulnerable situation. They were both kidnapped and when Butch had his opportunity to escape he did not take the expected route and run off, instead he acted out of character and returned to save his enemy. Neither Fabienne or Mia intended to set in motion Butch and Vincent’s roads to redemption, but in doing so they altered the entire plotline of the

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