Representation Of Love In Romeo And Juliet

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The Webster’s Dictionary definition of “love” is “a deep and tender feeling of affection for or attachment or devotion to a person or persons”. Nearly everyone will agree that in order to love someone, one must care deeply about them. But how do people express their love? After all, love is so much more than a simple emotion. Love is a driving force that can be seen in the dramatic tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Each character shows his or her views on what love is through actions, not just words or thoughts. Friar Lawrence and the Nurse both go to great lengths to help Romeo and Juliet, conveying that love involves putting someone else’s needs and happiness above one’s own. In order to completely understand what love is, one must first look at …show more content…

Another contrast is the emotional ties formed. Two people who are merely infatuated with each other will not feel any strong emotions towards their significant other besides attraction. This can be seen in Romeo and Juliet itself, where Romeo wants to marry Juliet after having only a single conversation with her. Romeo also expresses how distraught he is when he finds out his “one true love” is the daughter of his enemy: “Is she a Capulet? / O dear account! My life is my foe’s debt” (1.5.131-132). A key notion that suggests this is infatuation is what came immediately before: Romeo’s “love” (which was also likely infatuation) for Rosaline. If Romeo was “so in love” with Rosaline, how did he “fall in love” with Juliet so quickly? Additionally, does Romeo ever really show any feelings for Juliet that are not pure attraction? Does he ever try to do something for Juliet that is not ultimately for the benefit of their “relationship”? When Romeo first meets Juliet, he practically instantly expresses his wish to marry her. He never has any moment where he wonders if she “loves” him back; he just selfishly assumes that she will want to marry him. In real romantic relationships, both people involved will consult each other

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