Religion Work Ethic

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Religion and work ethic are often linked together as religion, in general, plays an important role in society. This also includes in economic attitudes of individuals, enterprises, volunteering behaviours and ethics, thus, it is often linked to societal norms regarding work, work outcomes and importance of work goals, as well as their conviction and various work attitudes. In other words, religion offers the opportunity to clearly determine what certain individuals work for and how hard they work. Businesses these days have to seriously take religion in account when considering group dynamics and motivations. Globalisation has made people aware of conditions and opportunities abroad, and companies would need to effectively manage these …show more content…

This eventually leads to the spirit of capitalism, where pursuing profit is seen as virtuous. Their main work ethic, Protestant work ethic, (Refer to Culture section?) was seen as the major reason for Christians’ economic success. However, seeking materialism only as an end is not meaningful to Christians unless one uses wealth to support the plan of God. Despite Christianity clearly showing extrinsic values in some aspects in the sense that they support private property and freedom to accumulate wealth, intrinsic values such as nature and context of work are equally important. This is due to Christians are expected to satisfy their spiritual aspiration through work and to fulfil their responsibility to contribute to …show more content…

They encourage the people to be responsible for their own actions and conduct, as such behaviours and actions are seen to have an impact on one’s destiny and rebirth. For that reason, it has been observed that there is positive relationship between Hinduism and work values as they see work as a duty to enable Hindus to be connected with God. The people are most likely to view their work as a responsibility to their own caste and ultimately, the collective interest. They rely on the caste system as it provides a strong sense of identity and belonging. Under the caste system, each person knows where he or she belongs and how to fulfil his or her responsibilities according to the caste. Furthermore, what can be derived from this way of thinking are the fundamental features of the Hindu work ethic, which are thrift, handwork, sense of duty, respect for the family unit, respect for education, mathematical skills, as well as entrepreneurial

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